Mental Health

You can’t seperate your mind and body. It looks like that computer has hardware and software. And it looks like that you are driving your car which is your body is car, and your mind is driver.

Fear and Fright

Stress is as like fear and fright situation. Fear and fright situation is as like that you see a lion at jungle when you are looking for a way to go home. At that situation, you have to run away immediately. You don’t have a time to eat, digest, toilet, dance, chat, smile, and sleep.

When you have a stress, your adrenal glands located at top of kidneys release cortisol which is stress hormone. With increasing cortisol level in your blood, your heart is pumping rapidly, and all blood is going to head, arms, and legs. So you can run away from a lion at jungle.

If you are under stress all the time, as above descriptions, your blood is going to head. Therefore, your stomach and other inside organs are not functioning any more by lack of blood supply to inside organs. For example, stomach is not enough blood supplied, leading to indigestion due to no blood no gastric juice. If you have indigestion, it is leading to abdominal bloating, reflux, discomfort, pain, and constipation. And furthermore, your heart is pumping blood fast, so you might be increasing blood pressure and headache.

From articles, there is a mention that “Cortisol release is increased in response to stress and low blood-glucose concentration. It functions to increase blood sugar through gluconeogenesis, to suppress the immune system, and to aid in the metabolism of fatprotein, and carbohydrates.[3] It also decreases bone formation.[4]


Dr William Ju said that “ The autonomic nervous system is tied into emotional responses as well, and the fight-or-flight response probably sounds like a panic attack. In the modern world, these sorts of reactions are associated with anxiety as much as with response to a threat.”

Figure 1. Though the threats that modern humans face are not large predators, the autonomic nervous system is adapted to this type of stimulus. The modern world presents stimuli that trigger the same response. (credit: Vernon Swanepoel)

Fight-or-Flight response is to fight against threat to your body or to flight from threat. When you see a lion in jungle, what are you doing? Are you ready to fight or are you willing to flight from a lion? Most of you maybe choose run away from a lion. In that case, your adrenal glands release adrenaline to your blood stream. Your heart is runing fast and pumping blood more than usual called as palpitation for suppling more blood to your body, bronchi of your lungs diliate to allow more air coming in to supply more oxgen to your body making more energy, your blood pressure is going up, and blood vessels in musculoskelatal muscles are dilating to supply more blood to them. All bloods are going to head, four limbs, heart, lung, and musculoskeletal muscles to fight or flight. There is no time to eat, digest, urinate, bowel motion, rest, sing, talk, love and sleep.

When fight or flight situation is going away, now it is time to restore all body functions, especially, digestion, bowel motions, etc. Adrenal glands are slowing down and/or reduce the release of adrenaline, and then your heart is slowing down to normal rate and less pumping, your brochi of lung is narrow to normal size to reduce intake of air, and blood vessels in musculoskeletal muscles are narrow to normal size, due to the fact that there are no needs to supply extra nutrients and oxygen for fight-or-flight situation.

GUT feeling

What is gut feeling?

You don’t feel well.

Stess Management


Panic Attack

Post-traumatic Stres Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is quite common disorders after police officers, fire fighters, military soldiers, even if normal persons had been in situations of terrible stressful events. After the events were gone, they are still remembering and recalling that events which was causing their present life.

USA televison program was showing at screen and their website.


Addiction is a way to find out from anxiety, stress, PTSD, etc. Addiction is it can be drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes. If you are feeling good by taking alcohol or smoking cigarettes, you’ll be addicted to go back to do the actions. And then it may be the habits to do continuously.

If you can control your habits, you are not addicted. However, many patients are doing them without the control for years and years.

Acupuncture is using the bare needles to stimulate the vagus nerves to stimulate the parasympathetic nerves to make you calmer and regulate your body functions such as heart rates, etc.

Military doctors are using the acupuncture for soldiers to help them to be calmer and do their duties.