Sports Injuries

Many people are doing sports activities.

They are prone to sports injuries.

Major sports injuries are needed to be done by surgical operation such as reconstruction of cruciate ligaments of knee by key hole surgery. However, even if major surgery is done for repair of torn ligaments, most of patients are complaining pain after surgery.

Fractures of bone

Those of fractures and cracks of bone should be needed to be reviewed with your doctor. You might be needed a surgical operation to correct bone fractures with using some pins and screws, depending upon your conditions. Acupuncture doesn’t help you fractures of bone. However, after healing processing of bone was done, if you have still some problems such as pain, you might have another soft tissue injuries. In that case, acupuncture may help you.

When you had a fractue of bone, you might be having lots of impact to your body. At that time, you might have not only bone damage but also damages of soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, joint capsules, bursa, and small blood vessels, nerves.

When they are damaged, they are starting acute inflammatory reaction, such as heat, swelling, and pain. After for a while, the area of damaged area would be swollen down, and less heat with less pain. However, they are still going the process of degeneration at local areas.

Trauma, Injury, acccident, overuse cycle

When the muscles are damaged, muscles are contracted, spasmed and may not relaxed as before damage, due to the fact that muscles want to protect by themselves.

And furthermore, when the muscles are spasmed, certain nerves are also getting trouble, due to the fact that major nerves are innervating between muscles and inside muscles.

Cracked bone

Sprained tendon